Japanese Red Kiwi; Sweet Sour Tastes 3 Minerals Calcium Iron Potassium
Japanese red kiwi is a rare and prized variety of kiwi with many health benefits, sweet taste, and demanding fans
Japanese Red Kiwi
Red kiwi is a rare and excellent variety made by breeding wild kiwi fruit
This product is not genetically modified and is completely natural
In fact, the fruits of some plants, such as cherries and strawberries, produce pigments called anthocyanins by themselves
There are also plants that are naturally made for a mild Mediterranean climate, but they can be planted in cold climates as well
Cold weather does not kill these plants
But it causes them to produce anthocyanin in their fruit and red streaks are formed in them
Japanese red kiwi is one of these fruits that has gradually found its place in the market with its excellent taste
Japanese Red Kiwi Features
Japanese red kiwi is sweeter than the classic and usual kiwis available in the market and its sour taste is overpowering
This product has a high commercial value due to its good taste
Sweet and Sour
Vitamin C
Calcium, Iron and Potassium
Green Skin and Red Flesh
Its appearance is also slightly different, the flesh is red and the color of the skin is green
This fruit takes three to seven years to mature
Calcium, iron and potassium are minerals of red kiwi
Red kiwi shows us a beautiful sight when it blooms
The flowers of this plant are usually in the form of clusters, and each flower becomes a kiwi
Red kiwi is a rich source of vitamin C, and its vitamin C content is higher than oranges
This product also has a very high amount of magnesium and reduces the possibility of getting some cancers and heart diseases
Buy Japanese Red Kiwi
Consider the following points to buy Japanese red kiwi
A ripe kiwi is plum or onion shaped and round
If the red kiwi skin is wrinkled and not smooth, it is probably overripe and spoiled
Look for red kiwifruit with skin without scratches or damage
Kiwis with wrinkled, scarred or spotted skin are not good kiwis
Look for a soft fruit with a touch of red kiwi but with a hard and cohesive structure
If the kiwi is too soft, it is overripe
Finally, check the inside of the fruit, the seeds of a ripe kiwi are all black and the flesh is shiny red
Japanese Red Kiwi Price + Buy and Sell
In the market, red kiwi is sold at various prices and many factors influence the price of this product
One of the most important factors affecting the price of kiwi in the market is the quality of these products
In fact, the higher the quality of the kiwi offered in the market, the higher the price
The way kiwi is packaged for sale is one of the other factors in determining the price of this product
Selling kiwi directly and without intermediaries has a great impact on the final price of kiwi
Due to its high properties and limited production, red kiwi has a higher price than other types of kiwi
Currently, the price of Japanese red kiwi is between 12 and 15 dollars in a 10 kg package
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The Answer to Two Questions About Red Kiwi
1: What vitamin does red kiwi contain?
Red kiwi is a rich source of vitamin C
2: How many years does it take for a red kiwi to mature?
This fruit takes three to seven years to mature